9 You’ll increase your potassium intake, which supports heart health.
The main function of potassium in the body is to regulate muscle movement, and the most important muscle in your whole body is your heart. Since most people do not consume enough potassium in their daily diet, eating a banana a day can be essential to regulating blood pressure and other aspects of heart health. Plus, a study from Healthline revealed that a potassium-rich diet—one that involves lots of bananas—can lower your risk of heart disease by 27%. That’s definitely a sign to add bananas into your diet, if they’re not in it already.
10 You’ll feel less depressed.
Did you ever think that your morning banana could be the reason for your happy mood? Well, it turns out it can be. Once ingested, the tryptophan in bananas converts directly into serotonin in the body. So, it’s the serotonin that could be making you feel less depressed, and thus, boost your mood and make you feel happier.