Peel 12 boiled eggs. Using a sharp knife, cut a very thin layer from the base of the egg – this will give it a flat surface to stand on a plate. Cut a large third of the egg. Squeeze gently around the base of the egg to break up the yolk and it should come out straight. Keeping lids paired with their base.
In a medium bowl, combine 12 cooked yolks and mash well with a fork. Add 1/3 cup mayonnaise, 1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon (or add to taste), 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder and 1/8 teaspoon salt, or season to taste. Mashing everything to smooth. Transfer mixture to a ziplock bag or pastry bag and generously tube into egg bases. Lay 1/3 the top back over the base and press down a little to adhere.
For the eyes, prick an olive with a plastic pipette a few times and gently squeeze it under the straw and small olive circles will appear immediately. For the beaks, cut a few rings of carrots into thin strips and cut each ring into sixths. Insert 2 olive spots for the eyes and 2 sliced carrots for the beak. Place the chicks on a plate and garnish them with fresh parsley or dill to give them that “free range” feel.
Enjoy !