
Air Fryer Eggs

Learn how to make fried eggs in air fryer! Make your air fryer eggs sunny side up, and enjoy a protein-packed start to your morning!


  • 2 large eggs
  • cooking oil spray


  1. You can make one or two eggs at a time, depending on how many pans fit on one rack of your air fryer. Spray the pie tin(s) that you’ll be cooking the eggs in with cooking spray.
  2. Crack an egg in each pan (one per pan).
  3. Air fry eggs for 3-5 minutes at 375°F (190°C). If you have an air fryer oven, use the top rack position. Make sure the egg white is firm and solid. Five minutes got me a fried egg with a nice runny egg yolk. Air fry your eggs longer for firm yolks.


Note: Use a mini pie tin for the most consistent results.