Tacos dorados de birria y comsome
(Birria tacos in its broth)
*Note…this recipe takes about 3-4 hours
*For the meat
Beef chuck roast
1 onion
1 whole fresh garlic
1/4 cup salt
2 bay leafs
Put all in a big pot with water cook at least 1 1/2 hours before adding the chili sauce
*For the chili sauce
10 califorina chili pods
4 ancho-pasilla
10-15 Arbol
1 tsp clavo
1tbsp Knorr (chicken flavor)
1 tsp white vinegar
1tsp oregano
1 tsp whole comino
1 tsp sesame (lightly toasted)
2 fresh garlic pieces
1 small stick of cinnamon
1 small piece of ginger (peeled)
8 balls of pimienta dulce (sweet pepper)
Before toasting the chilis make sure to rinse and take out the seeds then dry them off
Blend all ingredients into blender with 1 cup of the juice from the meat add into the meat finish cooking the meat for about another 2 hours with the chili sauce
*For the tacos
Oaxaca queso
Add cooked and chopped meat (when done cooking)
*For the consome
Pour the juice from the meat (when its done) in a cup add lemon, cilantro, onion and Chile matcha or any spicy chili you prefer ( this is optional)
Hope these videos help